wRiting functions in R

R is a functional programming language, meaning that it provides tools for writing and manipulating functions (Wickham et al. 2019). Functional programming contrasts with imperative programming where the main focus is on how an operation is performed. Imperative programming allows the programmer to follow exactly what is going on throughout the process. Both approaches allow us to write iterative code.

Part I: how to repeat yourself

Let’s run through an example of iterative code exemplifying each approach. Say we want to find the median petal length for each species of Iris in the built-in iris dataset. We could just could just copy and paste:

# load the tidyverse
── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
✔ dplyr     1.1.4     ✔ readr     2.1.5
✔ forcats   1.0.0     ✔ stringr   1.5.1
✔ ggplot2   3.5.1     ✔ tibble    3.2.1
✔ lubridate 1.9.3     ✔ tidyr     1.3.1
✔ purrr     1.0.2     
── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
ℹ Use the conflicted package (<http://conflicted.r-lib.org/>) to force all conflicts to become errors
# load iris data

# median petal length for Iris setosa
median(iris$Petal.Length[which(iris$Species == "setosa")])
[1] 1.5
# median petal length for Iris versicolor
median(iris$Petal.Length[which(iris$Species == "versicolor")])
[1] 4.35
# median petal length for Iris virginica
median(iris$Petal.Length[which(iris$Species == "virginica")])
[1] 5.55

This method might cause headaches if we were to make a mistake in editing the code or if we have more than three medians to calculate. Let’s see if we can use a more scalable approach, the for loop. A for loop has 2 main components (Martin 2020):

  1. The first line dictates how many times we want to loop

  2. The bracketed code defines the repeated code

# create a vector to store the output
petal_medians <- vector()

# loop through the species
for (species in unique(iris$Species)) {
  petal_medians[species] <-
    median(iris$Petal.Length[which(iris$Species == species)])

Let’s motivate the use of functions. We will write a function that does the same thing as above, but faster and with more customization. For example, we can perform the same function over and over on different data frames instead of copying and pasting the for loop for each data frame. Moreover, functions provide at least three major advantages over other strategies (Martin 2020):

  1. they can have names which makes code easier to understand

  2. if your requirements change, you only have 1 place to edit

  3. they minimize copy-paste errors

It’s typically recommended that you should write a function when you’ve copy and pasted code at least once (follow the DRY principle: “don’t repeat yourself”)

You can think about functions as building blocks for solving data science problems. Functions are “first class objects” and can be treated just like other R objects (Peng 2012). For instance, they can be passed as arguments to other functions and can be nested. Functions are created using the function() directive and have the form:

functionName <- function(x, y = 1) {
  # function body here

Let’s put our iris example in function form.

# create function 
speciesMedian <- function(df = df, col = "Petal.Length") {
  medians <- vector()
  for (species in unique(iris$Species)) {
    medians[species] <-
      median(iris[iris$Species == species, col])

# execute function 
    setosa versicolor  virginica 
      1.50       4.35       5.55 
When drafting a function, first identify the inputs (e.g., df and col from speciesMedian())

In the example above, speciesMedian() has two arguments df and col. col has a default value of "Petal.Length" meaning that if you don’t change its value when you call the function, it will automatically be set to "Petal.Length". R function arguments are matched either by position or by name. This means that writing speciesMedian(iris, "Petal.Length") (matched by position) and speciesMedian(col = "Petal.Length", df = iris) will do the same thing. You can test it out to prove it to yourself!

Usually first arguments contain data (e.g., df) and the last ones contain calculation details (e.g., col)

You may have intuited that I added a little extra functionality into the function speciesMedian(). Because I added an argument for col, we are able to use this function to calculate the median value of other columns. Let’s see this in practice.

# cols in iris
[1] "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width"  "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width"  "Species"     
# median sepal length per species
speciesMedian(iris, "Sepal.Length")
    setosa versicolor  virginica 
       5.0        5.9        6.5 
# median sepal width per species
speciesMedian(iris, "Sepal.Width")
    setosa versicolor  virginica 
       3.4        2.8        3.0 
Objects within a function reset each time the function is called (e.g., medians within the speciesMedian() function does not exist in your global environment)

When we made our function, you may have noticed that we combined the for loop and function approaches into a single composite. This method still suffers from the slowness and the clunkiness of for loops. To supercharge our median calculations, let’s use the purr package from the tidyverse.

The purrr package provides map() functions which take a function and a series of elements to apply the function on. Once we gather all of the building blocks for our data science problem, we can use purrr to combine them.

# let's use the map function to calculate the median of each column
# for each species 
map(split(iris, iris$Species), # split the iris data by species
        ~ summarize(.x  %>% group_by(Species), # group by species
            across(everything(), # iterate over every column
                   median)) # calculate the median
) %>% list_rbind() # bind into a single df
# A tibble: 3 × 5
  Species    Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
  <fct>             <dbl>       <dbl>        <dbl>       <dbl>
1 setosa              5           3.4         1.5          0.2
2 versicolor          5.9         2.8         4.35         1.3
3 virginica           6.5         3           5.55         2  
# I was trying to illustrate my point using map functions
# but there's actually a much simpler way to achieve the same
# result using dplyr

summarize(iris %>% group_by(Species), across(everything(), median))
# A tibble: 3 × 5
  Species    Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
  <fct>             <dbl>       <dbl>        <dbl>       <dbl>
1 setosa              5           3.4         1.5          0.2
2 versicolor          5.9         2.8         4.35         1.3
3 virginica           6.5         3           5.55         2  

The names of the different map() functions are derived from your desired output (Wright et al. 2021). For example,

  • map() - returns a list

  • map_lgl() - returns a logical vector

  • map_int() - returns an integer vector

  • map_dbl() - returns a double vector

  • map_chr() - returns a character vector

Part II: flexing your skills

For Part II of this tutorial, we will be working with the built-in data set co2. This is a simple data set of the monthly atmospheric CO2 concentrations at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii from 1959 to 1997.

To start, we need to load some packages and our data. As is, the data is in the form of a time series. We want to convert it to a data frame.

# load necessary packages - make sure you have these installed!

# load Mauna Loa Atmospheric CO2 Concentration data

# convert to a data frame
co2 <-
    CO2 = as.numeric(co2),
    month = rep(month.abb, 39),
    year = rep(1959:1997, each = 12)

# new column for date
co2 <- co2 %>% # create a date column and convert to date format
  # we know the measurement is taken on the 15th
  mutate(date = paste("15", month, year) %>% 
           as.Date(., format = "%d %b %Y")) 

Let’s explore the data! Here are some easy ways to get a feel for your data.

head(co2) # view the first couple of rows of data
     CO2 month year       date
1 315.42   Jan 1959 1959-01-15
2 316.31   Feb 1959 1959-02-15
3 316.50   Mar 1959 1959-03-15
4 317.56   Apr 1959 1959-04-15
5 318.13   May 1959 1959-05-15
6 318.00   Jun 1959 1959-06-15
tail(co2) # view the last couple of rows of data
       CO2 month year       date
463 364.52   Jul 1997 1997-07-15
464 362.57   Aug 1997 1997-08-15
465 360.24   Sep 1997 1997-09-15
466 360.83   Oct 1997 1997-10-15
467 362.49   Nov 1997 1997-11-15
468 364.34   Dec 1997 1997-12-15
str(co2) # take a look at the classes of data
'data.frame':   468 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ CO2  : num  315 316 316 318 318 ...
 $ month: chr  "Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" ...
 $ year : int  1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 ...
 $ date : Date, format: "1959-01-15" "1959-02-15" ...
# make a line plot of the data
# note that your plot will probably look aesthetically different than
# mine because I am using a base R inspired gg theme
ggplot(data = co2, aes(x = date, y = CO2)) + 
  geom_line(alpha = 0.5, color = "red")

Now this is all well and good, but what if we wanted to know what happens after 1997. After all, some of the people in this room were born after that date and we want to know what has happened in our lifetimes.

Okay, let’s grab some data from the Scripps CO2 program. Because we are all hackers in the room, we are going to scrape data from the website programatically instead of downloading it and then importing it. We will write a function to do this for all of the sampling station locations we are interested in! Before we even think about writing a function, we want to make sure our code works for one site.

Navigate to the following website and pick your favorite sampling station which has monthly flask CO2 data: https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/data/atmospheric_co2/sampling_stations.html

For this example, I am going to pick our old friend the Mauna Loa Observatory, but I want you to pick a different one.

# URL of the website containing the .csv files
url <- "https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/data/atmospheric_co2/mlo.html"

# read the HTML content of the webpage
webpage <- read_html(url)

# find all links on the webpage
links <- webpage %>% 
  html_nodes("a") %>% 

# filter links that point to CSV files then
# filter the links to only the file containing flask CO2 monthly readings
csv_links <- tibble(link = links) %>%
  filter(str_detect(link, ".csv$"),
         str_detect(link, "flask_co2/monthly")) 

link2file <- csv_links[1]

# download and import CSV file into R
file_url <- paste0("https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu", link2file)
filename <- basename(file_url)
download.file(file_url, destfile = filename, mode = "wb")
data1 <- read.csv(filename)


Ack! There’s a bunch of junk at the top of the file. Let’s wrangle this sucker real fast. We know from viewing the file that the first column header is Yr so let’s just skip everything before that.

# skip everything until the `Yr` column
data <- fread(filename, 
      skip = "Yr", check.names = TRUE)

# remove downloaded files


That looks much better. All that junk was metadata. I’ll copy it below, but if you don’t trust me, you can go back and view data1.

The data file below contains 10 columns. Columns 1-4 give the dates in several redundant formats. Column 5 below gives monthly Mauna Loa CO2 concentrations in micro-mol CO2 per mole (ppm), reported on the 2012 SIO manometric mole fraction scale. This is the standard version of the data most often sought. The monthly values have been adjusted to 24:00 hours on the 15th of each month. Column 6 gives the same data after a seasonal adjustment to remove the quasi-regular seasonal cycle. The adjustment involves subtracting from the data a 4-harmonic fit with a linear gain factor. Column 7 is a smoothed version of the data generated from a stiff cubic spline function plus 4-harmonic functions with linear gain. Column 8 is the same smoothed version with the seasonal cycle removed. Column 9 is identical to Column 5 except that the missing values from Column 5 have been filled with values from Column 7. Column 10 is identical to Column 6 except missing values have been filled with values from Column 8. Missing values are denoted by -99.99. Column 11 is the 3-digit sampling station identifier.

Alright. We know right off the bat that we are going to have to do some more wrangling here. I want to rename the columns to something that makes sense to me, then I want to delete the rows without data, then I want to replace missing values with NAs, and then I want to convert the date column into class Date. We also want to make sure all of the measurement columns are in numeric form.

# make a vector of new names
new_names <- c(

# replace old names
data <- data %>%
  rename_with(~new_names, everything())

# delete rows with no data
data <- data %>% slice(-c(1:2))

# replace -99.99 or NaN with NAs
data <- data %>%
  mutate_all(~ ifelse(.x == -99.99 | .x == "NaN", NA_real_, .x))

# reformat date column
data <- data %>%
  mutate(date = as.Date(as.numeric(date_excel) - 1, 
                        origin = "1899-12-30"))

# reformat measurement columns
data <- data %>%
  mutate_at(vars(starts_with("co2")), as.numeric)

Yay, that looks nice :). Let’s explore this data set just like we did the built-in co2 data set.

head(data) # view the first couple of rows of data
    year month date_excel       date    co2 co2_season_adj co2_smooth
   <int> <int>     <char>     <Date>  <num>          <num>      <num>
1:  1960     1      21930 1960-01-14     NA             NA     316.32
2:  1960     2      21961 1960-02-14     NA             NA     316.97
3:  1960     3      21990 1960-03-14 317.70         316.29     317.80
4:  1960     4      22021 1960-04-14 319.08         316.57     318.97
5:  1960     5      22051 1960-05-14     NA             NA     319.48
6:  1960     6      22082 1960-06-14     NA             NA     318.72
   co2_smooth_season_adj co2_interpolated co2_season_adj_interpolated
                   <num>            <num>                       <num>
1:                316.23           316.32                      316.23
2:                316.31           316.97                      316.31
3:                316.39           317.70                      316.29
4:                316.47           319.08                      316.57
5:                316.54           319.48                      316.54
6:                316.62           318.72                      316.62
tail(data) # view the last couple of rows of data
    year month date_excel       date   co2 co2_season_adj co2_smooth
   <int> <int>     <char>     <Date> <num>          <num>      <num>
1:  2024     7      45488 2024-07-14    NA             NA     424.22
2:  2024     8      45519 2024-08-14    NA             NA     422.33
3:  2024     9      45550 2024-09-14    NA             NA     421.10
4:  2024    10      45580 2024-10-14    NA             NA     421.56
5:  2024    11      45611 2024-11-14    NA             NA     423.18
6:  2024    12      45641 2024-12-14    NA             NA     424.63
   co2_smooth_season_adj co2_interpolated co2_season_adj_interpolated
                   <num>            <num>                       <num>
1:                424.03           424.22                      424.03
2:                424.28           422.33                      424.28
3:                424.53           421.10                      424.53
4:                424.77           421.56                      424.77
5:                425.02           423.18                      425.02
6:                425.26           424.63                      425.26
str(data) # take a look at the classes of data
Classes 'data.table' and 'data.frame':  780 obs. of  10 variables:
 $ year                       : int  1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 ...
 $ month                      : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ date_excel                 : chr  "21930" "21961" "21990" "22021" ...
 $ date                       : Date, format: "1960-01-14" "1960-02-14" ...
 $ co2                        : num  NA NA 318 319 NA ...
 $ co2_season_adj             : num  NA NA 316 317 NA ...
 $ co2_smooth                 : num  316 317 318 319 319 ...
 $ co2_smooth_season_adj      : num  316 316 316 316 317 ...
 $ co2_interpolated           : num  316 317 318 319 319 ...
 $ co2_season_adj_interpolated: num  316 316 316 317 317 ...
 - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr> 
# make a line plot of the data
ggplot(data = data, aes(x = date, y = co2)) + 
  geom_line(alpha = 0.5, color = "red")
Warning: Removed 10 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range

# looks good! there are some missing values at the start

I think we are ready to start making our functions! Let’s try to grab all of the sites with flask CO2 data and bind them all into one data frame. For simplicity, here’s a list of all of the sites which meet that requirement:

  1. Alert, NWT, Canada
  2. Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii
  3. Cape Kumukahi, Hawaii
  4. Fanning Island
  5. Christmas Island
  6. American Samoa
  7. Kermadec Islands
  8. Baring Head, New Zealand

Let’s make a series of functions for this problem: one to get the data urls, one to download and load the data into R, and one to wrangle it. Firstly, we want to get the URLs for each of the above sites.

# function to find matches within a vector from a given URL
getURLs <- function(url, vector) {
  # read the HTML content from the given URL
  html <- read_html(url)
  # extract text from <td class="rollover-links"> tags
  matches <- html_nodes(html, "td.rollover-links") %>%
  # find matches within the vector
  matched_vector <- vector[vector %in% matches]
  # E]extract href attributes corresponding to the matched text
  href_matches <- html_nodes(html, "td.rollover-links") %>%
    html_nodes("a") %>%
  # prepend the base URL string to each href attribute
  href_matches <- paste0("https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/data/atmospheric_co2/", href_matches)
  # return URLs only for the matches within the vector
  return(href_matches[matches %in% matched_vector])

url <- "https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/data/atmospheric_co2/sampling_stations.html"
sites <- c("Alert, NWT, Canada", "Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii", "Cape Kumukahi, Hawaii", "Fanning Island", "Christmas Island", "American Samoa", "Kermadec Island", "Baring Head, New Zealand")

matched_urls <- getURLs(url = url, vector = sites)
[1] "https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/data/atmospheric_co2/alt.html"
[2] "https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/data/atmospheric_co2/mlo.html"
[3] "https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/data/atmospheric_co2/kum.html"
[4] "https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/data/atmospheric_co2/fan.html"
[5] "https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/data/atmospheric_co2/chr.html"
[6] "https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/data/atmospheric_co2/sam.html"
[7] "https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/data/atmospheric_co2/ker.html"
[8] "https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/data/atmospheric_co2/nzd.html"

Sweet! Now we have all of the URLs. Let’s download the data now. We need to edit our code from the earlier chunk where we supplied a URL, downloaded a .csv, and loaded it into R. Before we copied and pasted the site URL. Now we want to supply our function with our matched_urls vector and get the downloaded data.

# function to scrape data from a URL
scrapeData <- function(url) {
  # read the HTML content of the webpage
  webpage <- read_html(url)
  # find all links on the webpage
  links <- webpage %>% 
    html_nodes("a") %>% 
  # filter links that point to CSV files then
  # filter the links to only the file containing flask CO2 monthly readings
  csv_links <- tibble(link = links) %>%
    filter(str_detect(link, ".csv$"),
           str_detect(link, "flask_co2/monthly")) 
  # if no CSV link is found, return NULL
  if (nrow(csv_links) == 0) {
  # select the first CSV link
  link2file <- csv_links$link[1]
  file_url <- paste0("https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu", link2file)
  filename <- basename(file_url)
  # skip everything until the `Yr` column and read the CSV
  data <- fread(file_url, skip = "Yr", check.names = TRUE)
  # return the data

# scrape data from each URL and name each df after the site
dfs <- set_names(map(matched_urls, scrapeData), 
                 map(matched_urls, ~ sub("\\..*$", "", basename(.x))))

# filter out NULL values (if any)
dfs <- compact(dfs)

Ok, now that we have the data downloaded, let’s wrangle it and flatten it into a single data frame with a column identifying each site.

# make a function to wrangle the scraped data
processData <- function(data, site_name) {
  # make a vector of new names
  new_names <- c(
  # replace old names
  data <- data %>%
    rename_with(~ new_names, everything())
  # delete rows with no data
  data <- data %>% slice(-c(1:2))
  # replace -99.99 or NaN with NAs
  data <- data %>%
    mutate_all(~ ifelse(.x == -99.99 | .x == "NaN", NA_real_, .x))
  # reformat date column
  data <- data %>%
    mutate(date = as.Date(as.numeric(date_excel) - 1, origin = "1899-12-30"))
  # reformat measurement columns and add a site column
  data <- data %>%
    mutate_at(vars(starts_with("co2")), as.numeric) %>%
    mutate(site = site_name)

# process the data for each dataframe within the df list and
# bind everything together
co2_all <- map2(dfs, names(dfs), processData) %>% list_rbind()

Finally, let’s look at our newly acquired data. We can use ggplot2 to create facets for each site and look at all of our data at once. We can also look at other columns such as co2_season_adj_interpolated.

# make a line plot of the data and facet by site
ggplot(data = co2_all, aes(x = date, y = co2)) + 
  geom_line(alpha = 0.5, color = "red") + 
  facet_wrap(~ site, scales = "free_x")
Warning: Removed 13 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range

# make a line plot of the interpolated and seasonally adjusted 
# data and facet by site
ggplot(data = co2_all, 
       aes(x = date, y = co2_season_adj_interpolated)) + 
  geom_line(alpha = 0.5, color = "red") + 
  facet_wrap(~ site, scales = "free_x")


first class objects

objects that are treated as any other data type

functional programming

the computer is given a set of functions to be performed

imperative programming

the computer is given a set of steps to accomplish the goal

iterative code

a set of instructions being repeated

pipe operator %>%

takes the output of the expression on the left and passes it as the first argument of the function on the right


a package providing tools for working with functions and vectors


a collection of open source packages built with “tidy data” design principles


Martin, Charles. 2020. “Functions and Iteration.” https://numerilab.io//en/workshops/FunctionsIteration.
Peng, Roger. 2012. “Writing Functions.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIqlKw2zqEQ.
Wickham, Hadley, Mara Averick, Jennifer Bryan, Winston Chang, Lucy D’Agostino McGowan, Romain François, Garrett Grolemund, et al. 2019. “Welcome to the Tidyverse.” Journal of Open Source Software 4 (43): 1686. https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.01686.
Wright, Carrie, Shannon Ellis, Stephanie Hicks, and Roger D Peng. 2021. Tidyverse Skills for Data Science in R.